This Week's Guest: Chris Morris

We sit down with Chris Morris, Lead 3D Artist at Major Mega, to talk about VR for Education. If you're unfamiliar with this idea, well... tune in. No need to Google it!

We talk about Virtual Reality, how some of it gets made, and even what we could dream up for VR in the classroom. From conversations about taking to students into ancient Rome to dreaming up how students could experience simulations through VR. Chris helps fill in the dots on what is possible and how education could be revolutionized by VR.

Chris's Headshot.png

Chris’s Top App:

Chris leaves us with the tool, SyncSketch, that is a critical tool in the world of digital media.

Syncsketch logo.png

It allows people to collaboratively work on images, 3D animations, and even video content so that they can leave feedback for fully virtual critiques.

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