This Week's App: Adobe Rush

What is Adobe Rush?

Adobe Rush is a free video editing app that allows you or your students to be creative with quick videos. Whether you record from a computer or your phone this tool can be used to shoot video, edit it, and share the video.

Rush Logo (3).png

What can it be used for?

Chances are that at some point you have wanted to create video or have your students create video. Well Adobe Rush is perfect for these situations. In Adobe Rush a user can record a video and then...

Once they are done editing they can then export their video to share it. What is so powerful about this tool is that it can be used on multiple devices and a lot of the transitions or slides are templates that can be edited on the fly.

A tool like this can be used if you want to create quick instructional videos on the fly or on location. You can also give your students this app to create quick videos for assignments and when they use it they can do these videos anywhere as long as they have a phone and can get creative.

How do I get started?

Just like any other Adobe tool, Rush has extensive tutorials. If you want to use this app, we recommend starting with the Adobe Premiere Rush Get Started guide. That guide will show you how to download the app and how to use the tool.

Video Icon (4).png

From there start messing around with recording. Once you feel comfortable try using it for one video you need to create or one activity you want your students to make a video for.

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