This Week's App: Equatio

What is Equatio?

Getting math equations into a digital format can be difficult. This is where Equatio can come in. Equatio is a digital math tool that will help you create and convert accessible math-type. Equations, symbols, and diagrams used to be difficult to make on a computer until Equatio.


What can it be used for?

Equatio’s real selling point is that it allows you or your students to speak or write out math and then takes that and translates it to accessible text that can be copied on a computer. It also allows a user to generate and edit graphs. These features can have multiple types of uses. For example…

These are just a few ideas, there is so much that can be done with this tool. To see a full list check out their features page.

How do I get started?

Equatio is a freemium tool which means that not all the features are free. You can learn more about on their pricing page, but with a free account you can use their “Math Spaces” feature which we believe is more than enough for most of what you want to do. So we recommend starting by signing up for a free account. You can do that by going to the Equatio page and then clicking “Try Equatio”.

White board icon.png

When you do create a new account you can learn more about getting started by checking out these guides:

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