This Week's Guests: Robin Jeffers & Justin Harbin

We conclude the Robin S. Jeffers Learning Taxonomy Series by doing a panel conversation with Robin. S Jeffers herself and Dr. Justin Harbin!

This longer conversation delves deep into Fink’s Taxonomy and its application in the classroom. Fink’s tackles learning a bit differently than the last several taxonomies we talked about. Both Justin and Robin have a lot familiarity with this taxonomy and a lot of insight into how it can transform learning experiences. You will not want to miss this conversation, we had a blast and really dug into what significant learning can look like.

Robin & Justin Headshots.png

Robin’s Recommended App: Fan School


Lastly, Robin leaves us with, a learning tool designed to get students into current events with a fun twist. Think of fanduel, but for current events with a learning twist.

Listen in to find out more and check out their website.

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