Snagit is a screen capture and video recording tool that allows you to easily capture images and videos on your computer screen. With it, you can record video feedback, examples, or tutorials, and then annotate and edit those images or videos. Not only that, but Snagit now also has a video commenting feature that allows you and a student to discuss the video right on the timeline.
In this Ungrading Series, we are continuing to try to provide tools that can be used to help provide deep feedback for students. In an online or hybrid course it can be time-consuming to do this, but in some cases quickly creating video feedback can save time.
You can create quick, shareable, annotated video feedback that can be linked anywhere, and your students can comment directly on the video timeline
With Snagit, you can create quick, shareable, annotated video feedback that can be linked anywhere, and your students can comment directly on the video timeline.
Beyond feedback, Snagit is also a great tool for those who want to create instructional videos. Snagit, allows you to record right onto your device, which means you can rely on it to record without errors. You also can edit the video and then easily embed that video anywhere.
Unfortunately, Snagit is not a free tool, but you can test it out with a free trial. If you like it after that we recommend, if you can, purchasing the Snagit Education Plan. It is a one-time purchase and you really only need an account for you, if you aren't having your students create videos with the tool.
To learn more about the tool, check out their Tutorials.